Snohomish Homeowner’s Step-By-Step Guide To Effective Spider Control


Spiders are creepy, potentially dangerous pests that are common invaders of homes and businesses across Snohomish, Washington. Whether you see them out in the open or just their pesky webs they leave everywhere, spiders are always a sign of increased pest activity on your property. Learning how to prevent and address spider infestations will help you avoid these creepy crawlers.

Common Spiders In The Area

Most house spiders around Snohomish are relatively harmless to people and pets. No local spiders are particularly aggressive, so they rarely bite people unless provoked, usually only crawling near us at night when we’re asleep and they are hunting for insects. Even if they do bite, the worst symptom you’re likely to get is an itchy bump on your skin.

Here are some common spiders in the area:

Giant House Spiders: Typically dark or light brown, these spiders grow large because human homes provide insects, their prey, with plenty of shelter to grow in numbers. The spiders, in turn, grow large from the food supply.

Hobo Spiders: Named for their tendency to hitch rides with people along highways in the Pacific Northwest, hobo spiders are another common spider in Snohomish. Light to medium brown with a dark stripe on each side of the midline these spiders grow to be between 1 - 1 ¾ inches including their legs.

Jumping Spiders: There are more than 4,000 known species of jumping spiders in the world (300 found in the United States and Canada). Usually, these spiders are black, but they can be brown, tan, or gray, and generally have pale markings. They have short compact legs and range from ⅛ to ¾ of an inch in diameter. 

Spiders Come For The Food

Unlike other pests, spiders aren’t attracted to your property because of leftover food or because they require warmth to survive. Spiders have a built-in anti-freeze system that allows them to survive cold weather, and they are carnivores that only eat insects. That means that spiders on your property are always a sign of larger pest infestations, and they typically become more active or appear to be because spiders or their prey have outgrown their old habitats. That’s why it’s important to address the things that attract other pests to your property before you can start on spider-specific control methods. Here are ways to do just that:

Food storage: Pests that scavenge for food can chew through weak food packaging and take advantage of items that are left out. Put all food away when not in use and store it in sturdy containers.

Trash storage: Pests will also root around in the trash for things to eat, so your bins and bags need to be inaccessible, too.

Deep cleaning: When they can’t get at food sources directly, pests will settle for crumbs or traces left behind. Deep clean regularly, especially under appliances and in often-neglected corners.

Start On Spider Prevention

The other type of consideration when it comes to spider control is in the ways that they and other pests make it onto your property in the first place. Here are some ways to address common entry points:

Crack sealing: You should regularly check your exterior for any cracks or holes that can allow small pests access to interior walls.

Wood storage: Spiders especially like woody areas to hide out and nest during the day. Keep wood and other debris stored away from your exterior.

Landscaping: Overgrowth out in the yard leads to favorable environments for pests to thrive. Larger populations outside will attract spiders to your property.

Turn To Guard Pest Control For Help

Because spider control is about overall pest prevention, it can be a lot for average property owners to handle all on their own. This isn’t something you want to take lightly. For true protection from spiders, and to keep the pests that attract them from thriving, it’s important to turn to professional pest control experts. At Guard Pest Control, we can give you more tips and tricks to stay free from spiders, and we’ll get you started on thorough and effective treatments that are guaranteed to keep pests away. If spiders or other invasive pests are already active on your property, trust our proven solutions to rid your property of the problem quickly.

Don’t wait for pest problems to become obvious before you get started on pest control, turn to Guard Pest Control today.