The Trick To Effective Flea Control In Your Monroe Home


There are perhaps two kinds of people when it comes to fleas. If you don’t own dogs or cats, you probably think it’s impossible to incur a flea infestation. If you do own dogs and cats, you probably think it could never happen to you since you keep your pets clean or they don’t go outside too much. There are a lot of things people don’t understand about fleas, and if you don’t get the facts, you could wind up with a frustrating, and even dangerous, infestation.

Flea Fears And Frustrations

While fleas are some of the smaller pests that plague Monroe homes, they can still be a huge problem. Even though they can’t fly, they travel around on the backs of animals. Since they’ll cling to any sort of warm-blooded animal to feed on its blood, they can carry a variety of dangerous diseases and transmit them to their next victims. They transmit many different kinds of diseases, including the rare, but still very real, bubonic plague.

There are actually over 2,500 species of fleas, but the one most likely to invade your Monroe home is the cat flea. However, don’t let the name give you false confidence. If you think that fleas will only come into your home by clinging on to a cat, you'd be mistaken. It’s rodents and other animals that bring the fleas onto your property in the first place, so they could transfer the fleas into your home if they get close enough. Anything from foxes to coyotes, skunks, raccoons, and deer can introduce fleas into your yard, where they can travel into your house by clinging on to pets or even you.

You’d also be mistaken if you think that brushing your pets regularly will prevent a flea infestation. Sometimes, fleas will lay eggs immediately after clinging on to a host, so even if they jump off before entering your house, your pet could bring flea eggs into the house. Once these eggs land on your carpets or furniture, a danger can take root.

Prevention Do’s And Don’t’s

If you’re a pet owner, your flea-prevention strategy involves two important steps. Talk to your veterinarian about the best flea and tick medications to repel fleas from making your pet their next host. Then brush your pets regularly outside to ensure that no fleas or eggs are brought into the house.

The second part of the strategy involves home and lawn maintenance, which is important for pet owners and non-pet owners alike. Since wildlife will bring fleas onto your property and even into the house, preventing wildlife activity is one of the best ways to limit your chances of a flea infestation. Here are some of our best property-management tips for reducing wildlife attraction:

  • Keep your lawn free of clutter.
  • Mow the lawn consistently to reduce pests and allow moisture to be distributed evenly.
  • Store any outdoor birdseed and petfood properly.
  • Get rid of any fallen fruit from trees in the yard.
  • Limit standing water like wheelbarrows and flowerpots after a rainstorm.
  • Make sure trashcans are tightly secured with heavy lids.

Even though these methods can be effective, there are still no guaranteed methods of keeping fleas out of your home or getting rid of them once they’re in (aside from professional assistance). If you want to avoid the dangers of fleas in your home, the best way to do so is with professional assistance you can count on.

Contact Guard Pest Control for flea prevention and eradication treatments that can keep you, your family, and your pets safe.